From professional shelter photography to hobbyist for everything under the sun — here are some of my favorite photographs .
Now that I have zoom, macro, and telephoto lenses in my kit, the door for spontaneity is open, allowing me to improvise for subjects big or small, near or far. An outing intended for landscapes may instead become an insect study, or vice versa. The capability to suddenly switch gears keeps me inspired and minimizes dreaded feelings of fomo.
I recently found Randonautica to be a fruitful tool for exploration and unexpected settings. The app generates specific, random locations within a designated radius, forcing a closer look at otherwise unremarkable subjects. Most recently, Randonautica led me to a lone tree humbly located in the endcap of a grocery store parking lot — a dark horse subject, delightfully rich in mossy textures and misty conditions that were ripe for macro.
Nikon D3500
Nikkor 18-55mm f3.5-5.6
Nikkor 70-200mm f4.5-6.3
Nikkor 40mm f2.8
+ iPhone 11 for SPCA Wake marketing photography